MULTI-DIAG Bluetooth TRUCK Heavy Duty Multi-language Diagnostic Tool Technical Service

multi-diag-truck-vehicle-list.pdf  (3.7M)
was-multi-diag-truck-diagnostic-tool-vehicle-list-1.pdf  (3.0M)

Here is the car list for multi-diag bluetooth heavy duty.
MULTI-DIAG Bluetooth TRUCK Heavy Duty Diagnostic Tool

When install the software of multidiag bluetooth truck, you shoud pay attention:

1. Make sure your computer system time must be the same date as you install the software please dend the file 'key' to our dealer.
Before install the software, check the computer system time,
it must be the time of the day, it can't be changed.

2.Before the dealer send you the activation key,
please do not disconnect computer power supply and the device,
and do not let the computer sleep.
You cannot close computer till successfully active the software.

3.our dealer  will give you the activation key